
Ongoing Projects

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Science Communication

Ongoing Projects

Limited contribution of transposable elements to regulatory adaptation in maize inbreds and hybrids

Transposable elements (TEs) make up ~85% of the maize genome, however, little is known of their effects on gene expression under non-stressed conditions.

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Elucidating the patterns of pleiotropy and its biological relevance in maize

Using association mapping of common alleles in over one hundred thousand traits, we show little evidence that pleiotropy is a common phenomenon in maize.

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The perils and promise of single-gene solutions to crop yield: extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

I lead a large collaborative effort to write a policy/perspective piece on the common reasons how crop productivity studies can be inaccurately measured and suggest testing guidelines moving forward.

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Science Communication

Teaching and Outreach

I have communicated many different scientific concepts to the broader community through numerous teaching and outreach events.

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I have created numerous zines for different projects and outreach events as a way to communicate my science to broader audiences.

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Nifty tech tag lists fromĀ Wouter Beeftink